NNDT Neural Network Development Tool Evaluation version 1.1 Björn Saxen 1995 Files used by NNDT ================== The following files are placed in the directory created for the NNDT software The main program: NNDT.EXE Initial file specifications: NNDT.INI Help file NNDT.HLP Demo pattern file DEMO1.DAT Demo setup file DEMO1.MLP Demo setup file DEMO1B.MLP Demo pattern file DEMO2.DAT Demo setup file DEMO2.MLP Readme file README.TXT This file FILES.TXT List of changes CHANGES.TXT Routines for network calc. NNDTCALC.DLL (If yu have used an NNDT version < 1.0, the file NETSOLV.DLL may be in your windows\system directory. This file is no longer needed.) In addition, some files distributed with the Visual Basic 3.0 (Professional Edition) programming system are needed. These files are placed in the WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. GRAPH.VBX GSWDLL.DLL GSW.EXE CMDIALOG.VBX COMMDLG.DLL GRID.VBX THREED.VBX VBRUN300.DLL A user's guide for NNDT is delivered as three files in PostScript format compressed into a file called MANUAL.ZIP Due to many bitmap figures included, the total size of the uncompressed files is very large, approx 1.5M.